Christian Institute of Management, in association with Martin Luther Christian University offers:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
in Christian Management

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Download the PhD in Christian Management Handbook by clicking here.

Objective of the Programme

The main objective of the programme is to enable research scholars to enhance advanced thinking and discovery of knowledge in the area of Management of NPOs (Not for Profit Organisations) with Biblical level of excellence. The other objectives of the programme are to:

  1. Provide cutting-edge solutions to the managerial issues of NPOs on biblical foundations.
  2. Conduct high-quality research and disseminate the results to scholarly and other audiences.
  3. Enhance the knowledge and competence in teaching and research in colleges, theological institutions, and universities.
  4. Engage in service and outreach through religious and charitable organisations, and institutions that promote scholarships and augment their public impact.
  5. Enhance the capacity for writing so as to make original contributions to the discipline that is significant for religious communities, academy, and society.
  6. Instill commitment to collaborative inquiry, mentoring, publication and other modes of transferring knowledge.

Research Outcomes

  • Development of advanced knowledge / theories in Christian Management in the Indian context
  • Discovery of new methodologies/models in different areas of management of NPOs in India
  • Capturing best practices of management and finding its application in specific organisational contexts
  • Generation of high-quality literature based on biblical values that are connected with the management of NPOs
  • Formulation of interventions that offer solutions to the specific problems of NPOs

Prospective Candidates

  • Leaders of Churches and NPOs
  • Professionals in Christian Management
  • Faculty members of theological institutions
  • Anyone interested in advanced knowledge in the area of Christian Management


The candidates who have gone through the normal education pattern of 10+2+3/4+2 through regular, distance or online mode of learning with the following degrees shall be eligible to apply.

  1. MA in Christian Management (MACM) / MBA from a University / recognized Institute (with minimum 55% marksor an equivalent grade in a point-scale); or an equivalent degree from a University / recognised Institute and accepted by the University with (preferably) minimum two years of work experience.
  2. MTh from Serampore/ATA or any other recognised University (with minimum 55% marksor an equivalent grade in a point-scale); or an equivalent degree and accepted by the University.
  3. Candidates with any other Master’s degree from a recognized University (with minimum 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point-scale).
  4. ACA, FCA, AICWAI, ACSI qualifications of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India and Institute of Company Secretaries of India. Provided the candidates have secured 55% or more marks in the aggregate in the qualifying degree examination from any recognized University.

All the candidates shall undergo a Pre-Doctoral Programme (PDP)prior to joining for the PhD programme. The candidates with M.Th or Master’s Degree other than Management and who do not have a PG Diploma programme from CIM (including the Executive Programme in Christian Management) or any other Institute / University, shall do an additional course on Management as part of PDP. In exceptional cases, the Research Advisory Committee(RAC) of CIM can exempt a candidate from the Pre-Doctoral Programme (PDP).

Degree and Designation

The University shall award the PhD degree to candidates who have satisfactorily completed the requirements in this scheme of regulations. CIM shall issue a Course Completion Certificate for the Pre-Doctoral Programme.

Duration of the Programme

The minimum duration of the doctoral program shall be three years (excluding the time duration of PDP).

The maximum duration of the doctoral programme shall be six years, extendable up to a period of one year, only under special circumstances, by the Doctoral Committee.

After a candidate has exhausted six years and the extension period, he/she will have to re-register which will include taking the entrance tests and completing the course work. The fees to be paid will be based on the current fee structure at the time. Such candidates have topetition to the doctoral committee and will have to get their approval.

The duration shall be counted from the date of admission, i.e., the date of announcement of the entrance test results


Candidates shall apply for Pre-Doctoral Programme (PDP) through the online registration form. During the PDP / the candidate shall undergo the required courses, and shall prepare a tentative research proposal. The candidates shall complete the requirements of the courses in PDP with a minimum of 50% marks. Since it is a Part-Time programme, the candidates need to apply through their organisation or get a “No Objection Certificate” from their own organizations. It is noted that Ph.D programmes through distance and / or online mode is not accepted. The last date for the submission of the application is 31st May 2024.

After the successful completion of PDP the candidate shall apply to the University for PhD. Along with the application, the candidate shall submit an essay of about 500 words on why the applicant wishes to do a PhD and a tentative dissertation proposal of approximately 1,500 words with 5-10 academic references.

All candidates shall ordinarily be admitted to the Doctoral Programmeon the basis of satisfactory performance in the entrance test and interview. The qualifying marks for the entrance test shall be 50%.

The entrance test will have the following components:

  1. English competency
  2. Research Methods/methodological approaches related to the field of research
  3. Analytical skills
  4. Community orientation

Those who pass the entrance test shall be called for the interview which will be based on the dissertation proposal submitted.

Academic Calendar

Pre-Doctoral Programme

Activity Date
Admission July 2024
Course on Biblical Understanding of Management July 2024
Course on Organisation Management (for candidates who do not have Management Degree) August - December 2024
Course on Introduction to Christian Management Research September - November 2024
Discussion on Tentative Research Proposal January 2025

PhD Programme

Activity Date
Entrance Examination & Interview by MLCU January 2025
Course on Theoretical Approach to Christian Management Research*
February - May 2025
Course on Research Methodology*
June - October 2025
Advanced Course (subject-specific)*
June - October 2025
Review Paper* November - December 2025
Proposal Presentation February 2026

* PhD course work in Year 1


Fees as applicable to CIM can be paid via Payment Gateway / UPI / NEFT, as At Par Cheque or DD, payable at Chennai favouring ‘Christian Institute of Management’.

CIM Bank Account details:
A/c No: 50200025419272
HDFC Bank, Mogappair East Branch,
RTGS / NEFT IFSC Code: HDFC0000493.

UPI: cimind@hdfcbank

Please send an intimation email after the transfer of payment.

Fee Structure
(For the Academic Year 2021-22)*

Pre-Doctoral Programme

S No Fees Amount
1 PDP Application Fee Rs 1,000 + GST
2 Pre-Doctoral Course Fee Rs 15,000 + GST
3 Programme Administration Fee Rs 10,000 + GST

The following installment scheme is also available

  • 1st Installment – Rs 14,000 + GST
  • 2nd Installment – Rs 12,500 + GST

Those candidates who are required to do the additional management course need to pay Rs. 5000+GST separately.


Fees to be paid to CIM

S No Fees Amount
1 **Annual Programme Administration Fee Rs 15,000 + GST


Fees to be paid to MLCU

S No Fees Amount
1 Application Fee Rs 1,000
2 Entrance Test Fee Rs 5,000
3 Registration Fee Rs 10,000
4 Research Proposal Evaluation Fee Rs 7,500
5 ***Annual Tuition Fee Rs 30,000
6 Examination Fee Rs 50,000
* The fees have to be paid as per the fee structure enforced each year.
** Applicable till the candidate completes the program.

  1. All fees payable to MLCU to be paid by the candidate directly to the University (CIM to be informed of this) and fees payable to CIM to be paid by the candidate to CIM.
  2. The candidates need to pay the application fee for PDP to CIM along with their online registration.
  3. Once the candidates are admitted to the PDP by CIM, they are to pay the Course Fee and the Programme Administration fee together in lumpsum or according to the instalment system.
  4. After the successful completion of the PDP, the candidates will submit the University Application Fee along with the filled in application form and other required documents to the University.
  5. Applicants who pass the entrance test and interview shall pay the Annual tuition fee. Similarly, annually the candidates will pay the Programme Administration fee to CIM.
  6. On submission of the Research Proposal, the candidate shall have to pay the Research Proposal Evaluation.
  7. On approval of the research proposal, the candidate shall pay the Registration Fee.
  8. Candidates will be required to pay the Examination Fee when they submit the thesis.
  9. The candidates need to pay separately fee for any additional course with CIM, other than the ones listed. The candidates will take care of their travel and accommodation for any physical the course workshops and conferences.


  1. Payment received after the last date, a fine of Rs.100 per day will be collected up to a maximum of Rs.3,000.
  2. Where the due date falls on a holiday, the following immediate working date will be the due date.

Fee Structure

Bank Account Details for Payment of Application Fee (Rs 1,180 (incl. GST)):
Acount Number: 50200025419272
IFSC Code: HDFC0000493
Bank Branch: Mogappair East Branch, Chennai

Fees to CIM Rs
Application Fee 1,000
Pre-Doctoral Fee 15,000
Prog. Admn. Fee 10,000
*Annual Prog. Admn Fee 10,000

*Will be repeated every year

Fees to MLCU Rs
Application Fee 1,000
Entrance Fee 5,000
*Registration Fee 10,000
**1st Instalment of Annual Course Fee 29,550
**2nd Instalment of Annual Course Fee 29,550
RP Evaluation Fee
***Examination Fee 75,000

*Registration and 1st year 1st installment of the Annual course fee to be paid through online admission portal (

**will be repeated every year (Annual course fee can be paid in two installments (through and is applicable till the candidate completes the program.

***Examination fee is to be paid as per the fee structure enforced at the time of submission of thesis.

  • Resubmission fee (50% of the examination fee) to be paid as per the fee structure enforced at the time of submission.
  • Proof reading and copy editing fee to be paid along with examination fee as per the fee structure enforced at the time of submission. Minor editing – Rs.12,000 and moderate editing – Rs. 20,000.
  • Late payment of fees will attract a fine of Rs.100/-per day.

Application Open


    Degree Details* (compulsory)

    Post Graduate Details* (compulsory)

    Professional Course Details

    I have obtained permission from my organisation to pursue this course
    My organsiation will provide financial support for this course

    WhatsAppEmailFacebookLinkedinPublication (Magazine)InstagramOther

    I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understood the policies and rules given in the Prospectus. I shall abide by the Prospectus and other policies as developed by the Institute / University from time to time.